by Rachael Evans | 23 Oct, 2017 | Guinot Facial Treatments, Products, Treatments, Uncategorized |

? This week we are going Pink in the Salon and supporting Breast Cancer ….. Any one popping in Salon this week can make a £1 donation you will be entered into a competition to win Guinot Aromatic facial this uses essential oils for your skin type with a pressure point massage and plant extract mask the draw will be on Monday 30 October let’s fight against breast cancer ?

by Rachael Evans | 21 Sep, 2017 | Hands and Feet, Products, Treatments |
The New Autumn Colours have arrived at the salon so tried out Just Bitten Gelfx from the range it looks fab!!!! on my custom yesterday, some lovely colours to try ???

by Rachael Evans | 12 Sep, 2017 | Body Treatments, Tips & Tricks, Treatments |
Achieving visible slimming and firming results from Guinot using an in-depth massage combined with carefully formulated serums and unique body wrap.
Techni- Slimming
Containing key ingredients of caffeine and Isoslim complex. Combats the appearance of cellulite whilst inhibiting the formation of new fat in the targeted area.

Techni- Firming
Help to firm the body and tone the skin using key ingredients Crelastin B and Alaria Esculenta to fight against skin slacking.
One Treatment £66
Course of 5 treatments
by Rachael Evans | 6 Aug, 2017 | Eyes Treatments, Treatments |
Sorry the salon is closed due to training but you can call / email to make appointments be back open on Wednesday thanks Rachel xxx

by Rachael Evans | 2 Aug, 2017 | Body Treatments, Guinot Facial Treatments, Products, Tips & Tricks, Treatments |
Morning Everybody
I am in training today, but just to let you all know the Salon is open and you can still pop in for sunbeds and make appointments today thanks Rachel xxx

by Rachael Evans | 14 Jul, 2017 | Products, Tips & Tricks, Treatments |
Well it was such a surprise to have Guinot contact
Me to do a Salon and Person profile in this months
magazine so I think I will add this as another
highlight in my career I am so grateful and proud to
Be working with such great products on lovely
customers in may salon xxx