by Rachael Evans | 19 Nov, 2017 | Guinot Facial Treatments, Products |
Introducing a new cream from Guinot
Deep Hydration For the Skin day and night.
A Light texture which allows the cream to rapidly absorbed into the skin, for day and night leaves the skin soft and velvety.
A fab moisturiser highly recommend it !!!
Pop in the salon and try it or have sample

by Rachael Evans | 5 Nov, 2017 | Eyes Treatments, Guinot Facial Treatments, Hands and Feet, Products |
Some great gift ideas have arrived at the salon from Guinot, some lovey box sets, skin care bags and crackers
price ranging from £9.50 – £55.00.

Songelle’s are great gifts they are infused sponges with natural plant extracts that are great for the shower
we have shimmer sponges which will give extra shimmer for those Christmas parties.
Also have children’s fun shaped sponges and beautiful buffers price ranging from £9.50 – £15.95

We also have some great gift ideas from Orly nail polish and many more products and also gift vouchers are
available so pop into the salon and find your stocking fillers for Christmas.
by Rachael Evans | 23 Oct, 2017 | Guinot Facial Treatments, Products, Treatments, Uncategorized |

? This week we are going Pink in the Salon and supporting Breast Cancer ….. Any one popping in Salon this week can make a £1 donation you will be entered into a competition to win Guinot Aromatic facial this uses essential oils for your skin type with a pressure point massage and plant extract mask the draw will be on Monday 30 October let’s fight against breast cancer ?

by Rachael Evans | 10 Oct, 2017 | Eyes Treatments, Guinot Facial Treatments, Products |
Have you over plucked and under groomed your eyebrows or have lost the shape then HD Brows will be a Ultimate treatment to your brows.

I spend an hour treating your eyebrows, I re-measure and discussing to see what shape Will suit you and then I custom blend with tinting and then High Definition hair removal techniques including waxing threading Tweezering and trimming all to create the perfect eyebrow shape for you…..
? ????????????
Competition time find Complexionsbeautymoreton on Facebook Like and Share the offer page and you can WIN a HD Treatment ???

by Rachael Evans | 21 Sep, 2017 | Hands and Feet, Products, Treatments |
The New Autumn Colours have arrived at the salon so tried out Just Bitten Gelfx from the range it looks fab!!!! on my custom yesterday, some lovely colours to try ???

by Rachael Evans | 19 Sep, 2017 | Guinot Facial Treatments, Products |
A lovely day training with Guinot two New Facials arriving in October will let you all know about the treatments next month ……