Spongelle Have Arrived At The Salon

Spongelle Have Arrived At The Salon

These sponges have arrived at the salon they are great to use in the shower and the bath they are  infused sponges with gel that have plant extracts.


We also have children’s fruit spongelle’s great fun in the bathroom ….. 

call in the salon and see how lovely these are also great for holidays too. 

Complexions Beauty Salon Celebrating 25 years

Complexions Beauty Salon Celebrating 25 years

Come and see me on 10 September…


I can’t believe it has been 25 years since the business was established in Moreton. Over the years I have met some wonderful people who are dear to my heart, who have certainly become valued customers.

As a thank you to everybody who is a customer of Complexions, I would like to invite you to pop in for a cuppa and cake to celebrate with me.

It’s Saturday 10 September 2016, 12 noon – 4pm.

I hope to see you there.

Love Rachel x


Sugar The Best Way To Remove Hair

imageimageSugar is a natural way to remove hair, I have been using sugar in the salon for over 25 years and would not use anything else.

Wax is made of resins, perfume and colourants so can cause reaction to the skin and ingrowing hair but can also leaves a residue on the skin but sugar is made of sugar and lemon juice has far less reaction, gentle and kinder to the skin and is water soluble and pulls hairs from the root .

Pop into the salon and try it out for yourself.